

Can You Get a Smartphone Free from the Government

February 11, 2023

The cost of having a phone has risen steadily throughout the years, but so has the necessity of having one. People need working phones for just about everything now, confirmation for online sign-ins, scheduling doctor appointments, communicating with children’s teachers, and even finding a job.

With the decline in the use of home phones and the global focus on smartphones, trying to find a smartphone for free or cheap is just about impossible. Except it is possible if you qualify for a certain government program. Let’s discuss how you can get a smartphone free from the government! Learn more on how to get free Government cell phones!

Can You Get a Smartphone Free from the Government

The answer to this question is a little complicated! Many people think that there is a program that allows you to get a free smartphone directly from the government. While this might be technically true, the benefit that is actually sanctioned by the United States government is known as the Lifeline program. So, yes and no…

What is the Lifeline Program?

The Lifeline program is a government assistance program established by the Federal Communications Commission. The program was originally created to help reduce the price of phone bills for low-income Americans. Phones are extremely important in American society, and fair access to cell phone communication is important for emergencies and more. The program is accessed through a cell phone provider.

So, after you apply for and are approved for the program, the government will directly pay out your benefit to the cell phone provider that you choose. Then you will be charged less per month for your phone bill.

But Doesn’t the Lifeline Program Only Help with the Bill?

Yes and no! As far as the promises from the government for the Lifeline program go, yes. Lifeline is designed only to help pay for some of a household’s phone bill if they are low-income. The minimum that is offered is a roughly $9 reduction in cell phone bill cost. However, because the benefit is executed through individual cell service providers that are privately owned, these service providers can choose to offer more to Lifeline beneficiaries. These providers can choose to offer more discounts or even a free smartphone.

Where Can You Get a Free Smartphone Through the Lifeline Program?

As we mentioned, some cell service providers choose to offer more than the government-promised benefit of the traditional Lifeline program. You can get a free smartphone through the Lifeline program at the cell service providers who make this guarantee. One of these providers is Safelink Wireless, which offers a free smartphone, free talk and text service, and 25GB of data for Lifeline program recipients. Safelink Wireless offers the best benefits to Lifeline program users on the market.

If you are interested in signing up for the Lifeline program and want to take advantage of the amazing offers from Safelink Wireless, you can find more information here. Your free smartphone and free talk and text are just an application away, so why not start now?

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