Food, water, shelter, and clothing are some of the fundamental necessities for humans, but on a tight budget, it can be hard to accommodate items that are being grown out of or worn down. Shoes, while absolutely necessary, can be quite spendy. For low-income families, buying new shoes for growing feet can accumulate a bill that might be too high to pay.
In response to this, there are ways that low-income households can access free or reduced-price shoes through assistance programs. As well, there are other programs that can lower other costly bills on your budget sheet to provide added flexibility.
Thrift stores have a bad reputation but lately have made their name as a social media craze. Despite all the talk about thrift stores, they still do a great job of providing a much-needed service to people looking for used goods. Lightly used shoes at a thrift store can be significantly reduced in price, meaning you can walk away with shoes that are nearly free for your family.
Giveaways for free shoes happen quite often online. You might be able to win a raffle for free shoes directly from a retailer’s website. For those that are fans of high-end shoes but lack the funding, you might end up with a pair of valuable shoes won through a giveaway! While the odds might be stacked against you, entering your name in a raffle for new shoes can’t hurt!
There is likely an organization in your area that can help you to obtain free shoes if your family is in desperate need of them. Women and children’s organizations are most likely to have the capabilities to help you with these issues, so start there if you are in need!
There is no shame in using government assistance programs to help you obtain necessities for your family. Applying for benefits like SNAP and Lifeline may not get you a free pair of shoes, but they will add flexibility to your budget for shoe purchases. This money saved is extremely valuable.
Lifeline is a federal communications assistance program that helps to give reduced communications bills to low-income Americans. Safelink Wireless is a provider of the Lifeline benefit, and you might even be eligible for a free smartphone!
Finding new shoes that are affordable can be difficult, but we hope that this list of resources has been helpful to you! For those who need assistance, asking for help can be difficult, but taking the steps to make sure that you and your loved ones are properly cared for is of the utmost importance.
If you are interested in the Lifeline benefit through Safelink Wireless, click here! You might be qualified to receive a free smartphone and reduced phone bill benefits. When you are struggling, every cent adds up, so don’t forget to take advantage of this helpful government assistance program. Join us for more government plans like Free Government Smartphones Oklahoma, Free Mobile Phone Program Kentucky etc.
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