

How to Qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

December 20, 2022

If you have ever heard of someone being “on Social Security,” you might have wondered what that benefit is exactly. The term “on Social Security” is more of a slang term that refers to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) which is provided by Social Security. The program is for needy individuals and is meant to be a level of additional income that helps people make ends meet.

In this article, we will discuss how to qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) so that you can take advantage of this crucial government benefit. 

How to Qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

What is SSI?

SSI is a government program that is issued to needy individuals who are over 65 or disabled, or blind. The program offers additional income to these people who are otherwise unable to work in order to allow them to continue remaining housed and having access to food and other necessities.

What Are the Requirements for SSI?

The eligibility requirements for SSI are pretty straightforward. You are eligible for SSI if you are 65 or older, blind, disabled, and have limited income or resources. You must also be a U.S. citizen or national, a resident of one of the 50 states, D.C., or the Northern Mariana Islands.

The age requirements are the most intuitive requirements. This guideline means that if you are 65 or over and you meet the other requirements, you qualify. The requirements for blindness and disability are more nuanced and require review by a Social Security Disability professional and doctors.

These requirements dictate that you must have a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that results in marked or severe functional limitations, can be expected to result in death, or has lasted or can be expected to last for a period of over one year.

How Do You Apply for SSI?

You can apply for SSI through your local Social Security office, which will ask you for information about yourself, your alleged disabilities, and your financial status. Your case will then be evaluated and adjudicated for eligibility for the receipt of an SSI benefit.

This process can be lengthy depending on the specific details of your case, as adjudicating disability can involve requesting medical records and possibly physical or mental examinations. However, if you are unable to work due to disability, the process is absolutely worth the return that you will get in terms of benefits. These benefits can be life-changing for those who rely on them.


In conclusion, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is incredibly important for those who are low-income. It’s crucial to take advantage of the benefit if you qualify, and it will improve your quality of life significantly. Another benefit that is likely available to you if you qualify for SSI is the Lifeline benefit. This benefit is focused on improving communication resources for low-income individuals and families. Available through Safelink Wireless, you can have access to a new, free smartphone and reduced cell phone bills. If you are curious about whether or not you qualify for the Lifeline program, click here for more information. Learn more on how to get Low Income Cell Phone Service Illinois.

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