

Ways to Get a New Job with No Phone

February 11, 2023

In the 21st century, getting a job has never been more difficult. People used to find jobs through clearly posted newspaper advertisements or signs on the street. These applications and interviews happened on paper and fully in person. Now, even if you find a job in person, you will find yourself directed to fill out an application online. Even worse, you will be contacted for your interview either by email or phone.

For those who live without access to the internet or a phone, these new strategies make job hunting exclusionary. These requirements only serve to keep those that are low-income unable to make enough money to support their families. However, there are ways that you can get a job without buying your own phone. This article will discuss how to do so.

Ways to Get a New Job with No Phone

1.   Apply In Person

Filling out an application in person can be a great way of getting a job without a phone. Some businesses offer in-person applications still, and if you end up being able to speak with a manager, you might be able to set up your interview date. This way, they won’t need to call you to let you know when you need to come back and do your interview.

2.   Attend Hiring Fairs

Another great way to get a job without a phone is to attend in-person interview fairs. These events happen for individual companies as well as bulk offerings, and you can complete interviews on the same day as the fair. These events have the goal of hiring many people as quickly as possible, which helps in the case of not having a phone to receive callbacks. You might even get hired on the spot!

3.   Tell the Job You Can Only Communicate via Email

If you want to apply for jobs the traditional way, you can let jobs know as you are applying that you can only communicate through email. Public libraries have computers available for use that you can use to apply for jobs and communicate with others via email on. If you want to apply for jobs through traditional means but don’t want them to avoid reaching out to you because you don’t have a phone, simply send an email to the hiring manager and explain that email is the best method of communication for you at the moment.

4.   Get a Phone

Now, we understand that this tip isn’t as easy as it sounds. Phones can be expensive and the bills that come with them are yet another cost that you might not be able to afford. However, there is a government program that is designed to help low-income Americans access cell phones easier. This program is known as the Lifeline program and is accessed through cell phone providers. Depending on the provider that you choose, you might be able to get a free smartphone and free coverage. To learn about our low income cell phone service, contact us today!

Safelink Wireless is one of the providers that you can access Lifeline from while receiving a free phone! This way, you don’t have to worry about applying for jobs without a phone anymore.

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